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My Ramblings on VA Tech, Bullies & Empathy

Submitted Anonymously on 4/19/07

The headlines today say that Cho was bullied and made fun of in high school. Why am I not surprised?

Bullying in the school system is an increasing problem and has been for several years. Even a few weeks ago a video was released showing kids brawling it out. But who is taking any action about it? People don't go to school board meetings anymore because they "don't have time". Either you are too busy sitting on your fat asses glued to your Television, or you are too busy getting your nails done and driving your kids to soccer practice in your new Escalade (everything you have you buy on credit).

Thankfully, a few people have had the guts to stand up to a messed up school system and sue them for allowing their kids to get bullied. What really needs to happen is teachers need to be allowed to discipline kids when they need it.

The irony of it is, the kids who that kid killed were probably the same kids who were bullying and making fun of other kids just a few years ago in back their own high schools.

How many American or Iraqi solders AND/OR civilians were killed on that same day? I don't see any big candle light vigil for them.

On 9/11 how many people who were killed on that day by drunk drivers? Or how many a fireman or law enforcement were killed on the job somewhere else in the country? And where is the million dollar trust fund for them?

What was so special about a bunch of people in a building that they deserve more recognition?

I will tell you what it is. Hypocrites, Americans.

Americans have no TRUE sense of empathy left. Americans would not do anything to help someone just because of, say, LOVE for their fellow man. No, you only help the "less fortunate" if they can get a warm fuzzy (or a photo opp) out of it. That's it, nothing more. You don't do anything for anyone unless there's something in it for you.

Just ask anyone who works in a homeless shelter how hard it is to find volunteers on a date like March 12th or August 3rd. The only days anyone wants to "volunteer" is a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas. What it boils down to is that most people in America really have any actual desire to help anyone else unselfishly or out of love. Rather, a few days before the holiday they suddenly come to the realization that they lead terribly empty yuppie status-desiring, conspicuous-consumerist lives. And so one day a year they suddenly decide to feel penitent for it. Any other day, while ruling from their throne in their all-white suburb, they couldn't give a shit if every "new orleans nigger" or "chinatown chink" or "Juan the wetback" or "(insert your own slur here)", etc. etc. vaporizes, disappears or dies and gets buried in an unmarked grave.

But today is different. Today is Thanksgiving (or Christmas). Today is a day to celebrate goodness, right? So then they feel like shit for their hatefulness and selfishness. They need a vehicle to help themselves feel better about themselves while they still stand there with a serving spoon and tray in hand and take false pity on the poor soul on the other side of the counter for their plight.

And when it's all cleaned up, then they say to themselves, "There but by the grace of God go I," still feeling prideful because they were born into tremendous opportunity (which they actually had no control over anyway) though that in itself were some amazing accomplishment for which they should receive credit. Lording it over others is their #1 skill.

And then they go back to the parking lot, take off their cloak of false humility and re-dress themselves with self-righteousness, hop into the Escalade and drive home, all the way patting themselves on the back for having "remembered" the less fortunate. Yes, how great and mighty a person they are (even if only in their mind).

This is not charity, rather exploitation.

And it's the business of the day, every day of the week, in America.

Sadly, I would say this kind of incident like VA Tech is probably only going to increase in the future because you people have cultivated a society that puts money and things ahead of love and concern for your fellow human being. What a shame.


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