Club Debate Club Debate

Club Debate Submission Guidelines


1) We accept submissions either by e-mail or as anonymous comments to THIS ENTRY.
The post will be rejected as a comment and formatted in to an actual blog entry.

2) We do not accept submissions that espouse hate-speech.

3) We do not accept Pornography of any kind. We do not accept obscenity infused

4) Submission content should be directly related to a political issue, political
cause or politician. Whether you elect to extend kudos or annihilate your
target is of your chosing.

5) You may only submit work that is entirely of your own creation. Please do not
seek to borrow or plagiarize another's thoughts. What you have
to say is what we are interested in.

6) Controversial Viewpoints are welcome. Strong language is permissable, but lewd
commentary is not.


All e-mailed submissions must adhere to the following:

1) The e-mail must contain a subject head that reads "CLUB DEBATE SUBMISSION".

2) The e-mail must contain or have as an attachment the COMPLETE and CORRECTED copy
of your work.

3) Your e-mail MUST contain:
The title of your peace and the moniker of your choosing. You may choose to use
your real name, a pen name or even a number but all articles and submissions will
contain some measure of a byline.


1) Please send your cartoon as a JPEG attatchment by email.

2) All work must be signed by you, even if signed by a "pen name". Those submitting
cartoons may opt to name their cartoon or cartoon series in lieu of a title.

The only information about yourself that will ever be released is the moniker you have chosen for yourself.

This board will allow that your writing will remain on the Internet well in to the future. By the end of December we hope to have generated a significant amount of traffic to this site. People visiting the blog will have the ability to respond to your posting. Please visit the comment section of your post periodically to see what people are saying and. We encourage thoughtful responses from the original authors to the commentators.

QUESTIONS? Please contact


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