Club Debate Club Debate

"Secretary of State" Pelosi

Contributed by Guest Columnist-BoxerContributed by "Boxer", location unknown.
Imagine what it must feel like to be a soldier on the ground in Iraq. The news from home is terrifying. Not only is there a broadbased movement within the Democratic majority to reduce and limit funding in support of our kids in the field, which is insane enough. There’s more. The Democrats are actually demanding a DATE and TIME for a pullout be attached to intermediate funds, thereby giving the enemy a known deadline when they can prevail if they simply sit tight and run out the clock. This is beyond human comprehension.

The Democrats have always been well-intended but surprisingly naive in a world that is the ugly and real reflection of our true human natures. Democrats think and act as if the world is the way it “should’ be. It’s why they have rarely been effective in foreign affairs, only sporadically been in authority here at home (gathering blowjobs instead of international expertise) and why, almost immediately, their consistent lack of real-life understanding always comes to the fore. Witness Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad’s “Secretary of State” Pelosi.

The masses gave the Democrats the numbers and the authority and now the masses, inevitably will be punished by it. Just as our troops are mentally suffering in greater fear now, knowing this so-called “debate” to drop their financial support is raging here at home. Democrats mean well, but are routinely so sadly over their collective heads. And here it is again. Keep watching. There will be a lot more of this before the pendulum swings back the other way.

contributed by Solomon, New York


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