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The N word Controversy

Submitted by Cale, location unknown.

The chorus of the song, Get Into It with a Nigger Lyrics by UNLV:
"I say niggadaniggadanigga, unh,Nig, niggaNig, nig, nig, niggaNiggadaniggadanigga, unh,Nig, niggaNig, nig, nig, nigga"

Clawfinger's lyrics to the song, "Nigger"
Goddamn my man you see I can't understand
Why you wanna say Nigger to your brother man
Taking black pride then you call yourself a Nigger
Don't bring yourself down cos it just don't figure
Take a look at yourself and your history
You don't look like a goddamn Nigger to me
It's a negative world and the white man made it
Gave you a name to dominate and trade it
Making blood money of his very own race man
And all of this because the colour of your face man

Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
You're the real Niggers,
You're the real Niggers,
You're the real Niggers

But no one said it better than N.W.A. in the Song Niggaz for Life...
Why do I call myself a nigger, you ask me?
Because my mouth is so mother fuckin nasty
Bitch this, bitch that
Nigger this, nigger that
In the mean while my pockets are gettin fat
Gettin paid to say this shit here
Makin more in a week than a doctor makes in a year
So, why not call myself a nigger?

What is my point?
If this word is truly so offensive, why are people lining their pockets with gold by punctuating rap lyrics with the word for the world to sing along to?

Don't tell me it is okay for a black man to say it but not a white man.
It's either okay or it's not okay. It isn't relative. (And it isn't okay).


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