The rational mindset is LIBERAL
Submitted anonymously on April 7, 2007
2. There is no such thing as race. Race is just a concept. Race is really "culture". Not sure what "culture" has now become? Put it on the working agenda for the next ACLU meeting. True...race is really not a "real" concept. However, it has been and continues to be a false concept that has been imbued with MEANING that continues to have an impact in this american CULTURE. It affects many things, (life expectancy, for example) as any number of statistics indicate.
3. Racism is prevalent in our society and the reason why we don't all just get along. Increasing diversity so that there is more racial tension is the only way to remedy this problem. Rule #3 shall not in any form diminish the validity of Rule#2. I actually agree with you on this.
4. Facts are subjective and depend on the personal situation and experience of those encountering them. Remember the new math? The old math was so preoccupied with being "right" all the time. Again...I agree to some extent. However, the fact that Toyota charged black customers more for financing than white customers, regardless of income, credit history, etc...that is a fact. II suppose the whys of that "policy" can be interpreted in any number of ways, but the reason is blatantly obvious. They did it because they could. So much for your first argument.
5. History is not an event. It is a process that results in continually changing "facts". These magical transformations can only be properly interpreted by someone who is racially the same as the people whose history is being studied. Nothing in Rule#5 shall diminish the validity of Rule#2. History as taught in most US schools is little more than propaganda...myth. As previously excluded history comes to light, it helps to create a clearer picture of the past.
6. Whites must be responsible for the problems of other races, since the whites have created those problems through discrimination. Nothing in Rule#6 shall diminish the validity of Rule#2. A society that discriminates is responsible for the results of its actions. Those who benefit from discrimination benefit from discrimination.
7. Taxes are an inexhaustible source of funds and every problem can be corrected by increasing the amount of them. Taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. And you thought good deeds created good will amongst men? Nope, its taxes. Taxes are the price we pay for services, e.g., fire fighters, police, roads, schools, social security, etc. If there is a better way to fund those service...I'm all for it. In the interim, responsible and fair use of public monies in a good start, and the bush administration may be called many things, but "responsible" is not one a word that comes to mind.
8. It is the responsibility of anyone who has property or money to freely share such property or money with people who do not have any. See Rule#7. I assume this is about taxes, and if you find a better way to fund schools, I'm all for it. (Hint: vouchers aren't the answer...they simply shift funds from one system to another, and "guarantee" nothing).
9. Our country has no right to preserve its racial, whoops, make that cultural heritage. Sure it does...and it does. The victims of the Tulsa riots never received a penny for the city of Tulsa or the state of Oklahoma...the living victims. That is a perservation of the heritage of white folks' refusing to pay for the damage the caused, for the land they stole, and for the lives they destroyed. Business and usual.
10. This is stolen land. Whites stole the land. From each other. From Mexico. From the Indians. White people thus have no legitimate claim to sovereignty or to enforce immigration law. All people should be able to come to the US and live here as equals to any American. (Please ignore the admonition that Indigenous peoples can only be identified and properly remunerated via repeat visits to their gaming establishments. Do not question why you never see prominent liberal leaders giving the country to the first people to inhabit it, instead of to the renters who occupied it for 25 years out of the last 2000.) Immigrants made this country what it is, and they continue to add value. A sane and fair immigration policy is a worthy goal I support.
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